Now more than ever before we need to look after the most vulnerable in our society.
Wrap Up London runs an initiative that aims to help the homeless, refugees and others in need by asking those more fortunate to donate unwanted winter coats in good condition for distribution to charities such as Shelter, St Mungo’s, Crisis and many more.
This year the project is running at a very local level and The Albert pub on Princess Road has kindly agreed to be a drop-off point for all your unwanted winter coats.
You can deposit donations there from 11 am to 11 pm Monday to Saturday or 12pm to 10.30 pm on Sundays.
The campaign runs until 28th November when the coats will be collected and sorted for distribution to charities.
It is a very worthwhile scheme that has been running for ten years and directly benefits those most in need, while giving others a great excuse to de-clutter their wardrobes!
Last Updated on 22nd November 2021 by Jason