Volunteers wanted for Plant Watering in Dumpton Place

After many years in the planning, the Primrose Hill Conservation Area Advisory Committee, in partnership with Camden Council, has established a Tree Grove in Dumpton Place. The Council will now plant the ground beneath the trees with understorey planting of small species.

These will need watering until they are established, especially if the weather turns warmer. PHCAAC are therefore looking for a small group of volunteers who would be able to water the plants in Dumpton Place on a regular basis, perhaps once or twice a week. The Lansdowne Pub has kindly agreed to refill watering cans so, if you can volunteer, you will not need to walk far with a heavy watering can.

Watering doesn’t have to be too formal, just a good drenching every second day for a few weeks, then every other day for 4 weeks after. Every day if it’s particularly hot. The bags for the trees can also be filled at this time.

Please contact us if you can volunteer to help set up this planted garden area in our community.

Last Updated on 28th June 2024 by Dominique