Bulletin Listing

If you would like a local (Primrose Hill or very nearby) event, organisation, cause or other relevant item considered for inclusion in our weekly newsletter, website, social media or On The Hill magazine, then please complete the form below.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
The name of the event or cause you would like us to consider for inclusion in our magazine (On The Hill) and website and social media
Provide a short description of the event for social media.
This is what will be in our commuincation. So provide as much detail as possible, including entrance price if applicable. Include contact details,
Link to existing page about this event or cause (optional)
Date the event takes place
Event location
Please provide the location the event will take place in Primrose Hill
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide an image which you have permission to use which we can include in the communication. The file format should be PDF, JPG, PNG. Max filed size 60 MB

Your details

Please note these will not be included in the communication. Any contact details you want in the communication must be added to the FULL DESCRIPTION text above
Your name
This will NOT be included in the promotion
Are you a member of the Primrose Hill Community Association?
This will NOT be included in the communication, unless you include it in the communication text above
In case we need to contact you, though we will try email first

Last Updated on 23rd June 2022 by Dominique