What to look out for when searching for green investments. Ask a super-experienced sustainable fund manager how she decides which companies to back. What are the criteria for a company that doesn’t just avoid the bad, but aims to improve the future? What are the issues to be aware of in ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) standards for companies? What does the other jargon mean? Jump to registration
How green is your pension? Make My Money Matter https://makemymoneymatter.co.uk is a group campaigning for sustainable pensions. If you have a pension you have skin in the game! Find out how you can ask the right questions of your pension provider, and how the trillions invested in our pensions can build a better world.
NB This is a general presentation and no recommendations about specific investments will be given.
Claudia Quiroz has 20 years of experience in Sustainable, Ethical and Responsible Investment and joined Quilter Cheviot in 2009 to develop their sustainable investment strategy. She manages investment portfolios for many different types of clients, including private investors and charities, with a focus on sustainable investment. She is a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.
She is also a champion for diversity at the work place and for bringing female professionals to the financial services industry.
Kenneth Green is a campaigner with years of experience in advocating for environmental causes, from green spaces in his local area to international climate policy at UN Climate Summits. He previously worked at Shelter, where he helped shape their Covid-19 emergency response, and Unicef UK where he led on their air pollution policy. He is currently the Digital Campaigns Manager at Make My Money Matter, where he leads on their communication strategy as well as their policy work on deforestation.
They will be interviewed by Jeremy Duke, a qualified financial adviser and planner and a long time (over 30 years) resident of Primrose Hill. He started his career in the pre-Big Bang City of London, advising financial institutions investing in fixed income markets, with a focus on Social Housing investments. He later qualified as an adviser working with individuals, helping people with a wide variety of financial goals to achieve greater security and stability in their financial lives.
Last Updated on 22nd February 2021 by Jason