Primrose Hill Patient Participation Group Open Meeting


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Primrose Hill Community Library
Sharpleshall Street, London, NW1 8YN
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To all patients of Primrose Hill Surgery 

You are all invited to attend this open meeting- To hear the latest news about the practice, its staffing and services.

Guest speakers: Dr Arjun Ghosh, Consultant Cardiologist (UCL & Bart’s) who will talk about high blood pressure (hypertension) and matters of the heart.

Dr Eli Collins, Camden Clinical Commissioning Group,who will talk about the free to attend ‘Self Care Workshops’ being run in Camden. Dr Martin Emery, NHS Camden CCG, who will talk about Camden’s Patient Participation Group, its work and its Forum Meetings. All are welcome!


Tue, Nov 13, 18:30 – Primrose Hill Community Library, Sharpleshall Street, NW1 8YN

Last Updated on 9th November 2018 by Jason
