This Thursday Line Cooper is leading one of her fascinating walks and talks about the history of shops in Primrose Hill from the 1870s to the present.
Those who have been on one of Line’s walks before will know how the history of our shops gives a great insight into how people lived in our neighbourhood during the last century and a half. She does a few at a time as there is so much rich information (which is often embellished on the spot by local longtimers!).
Meet at 10.30 in the usual place, corner of Regents Park Road and Primrose Hill Road by the park map.
Thursday walks will be usually every other Thursday this Spring (though people are welcome to meet each other at 10.30 to walk in the park!). Please see the bulletin on a Monday for details.
A date for your diary: on Thursday 14th March we shall walk with Aruna, who did the library spice talk, through Regents Park to the Indian Spice Shop and Supermarket in Drummond Street, and then sample some of the delicious food in the restaurants down there.
Registration is not necessary, just turn up…
… but if you would like to receive our weekly email about local events please leave your email address below:
Last Updated on 1st March 2024 by Dominique