This Thursday we shall go down to the lake in Regents Park and see how many of the water fowl we can identify from the notice board down there. Then we shall go for a coffee to reconnect after the summer break!
Meet at 10.30 in the usual place, corner of Regents Park Road and Primrose Hill Road by the park map.
Next week, 12 September, to continue our visits to local places of worship, we are going to the Regents Park Mosque – we have to meet earlier for this, at 10am, and wear ‘modest’ clothing – which means loose trousers or long skirts and headscarves or hats for women, and no shorts or ripped jeans for men.
You can keep up to date on our walk programme by signing up to receive our weekly bulletin via email.
Last Updated on 2nd September 2024 by Dominique