Teenage Brain Weekend – A Survival Guide


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


Primrose Hill Community Centre
29 Hopkinson's Place, Primrose Hill, NW1 8TN, London

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The Teenage Brain Weekend is being presented by the Events Committee as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

10.00 – 10.30am : Welcome and Introduction

10.30 – 11.30am : The Teenage Brain at Home – Lydia Johnson

Lydia was featured in OTH in February, and runs the London Clinic of Hypnotherapy. She regularly works with teenagers and families to identify and release unhelpful beliefs, and finds teenagers are very open minded and hence rapidly responsive to her methods. She will be sharing information on the development and peculiarities of the Teenage Brain and the dynamics of the parent/teenage power struggle, and addressing current concerns around social media and bullying before sharing with us how her solution focused techniques work to turn down negative noise. londonclinicofhypnotherapy.com

11.30 – 12.00am : Tea break and Bookstall

12.00 – 1.00pm : Laughter Yoga Session

Lead by Jayne Trimble, laughter therapist. Laughter is a basic form of communication which encourages social bonding and harmony and personal wellbeing. Because laughter is literally the best medicine. And it is contagious!

1.00 – 2.00pm : Lunch

Bring lunch to share. A chance to share your lunch with the community. Brain food recommended.

2.00 – 3.30pm : The Teenage Brain at School – Steve Carr

Steve is a teacher with a story to tell : “In 2003, I was training as a teacher in inner London. The levels of personal anxiety I was experiencing were off the scale and I was ready to quit. In the middle of another out of control year 9 class I sat down and just stopped. I didn’t care anymore. I’d had it. And then a strange thing happened…” Find out what happened next, and how it has given Steve an understanding of the developmental stages and emotional needs of young people which transforms the school environment for teachers and students, and enables young people to realise their full learning potential. http://www.stevecarrconsulting.com

3.30 – 4.00pm : Tea break and Bookstall

4.00 – 5.00pm : The Teenage Brain on Drugs – Forward

Forward is the Camden Drugs Service for under 18’s. They will be addressing the following themes : why do young people use substances, current drug trends among young people, how to deal with peer pressure, and advice for parents and friends in  recognising signs and symptoms of substance use and advice how to manage this. Plus short videos on how cannabis and MDMA effects the Teenage Brain. https://www.instagram.com/fwdasone/

5.00 – 5.30pm : Open Floor and Closing Remarks

Last Updated on 1st May 2019 by Jason
