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Every Wednesday at 10.30am there is a walk in Primrose Hill. During lockdown it will be walking in pairs only which guidelines allows.
Meet at the park gates at junction of Regent’s Park Road and Primrose Hill Road.
Trees of Street and Canal in Primrose Hill
This week we shall walk around our neighbourhood looking at the trees which grow all around us. We shall be guided by Liz Goodfellow, who created this walk originally for Transition Primrose Hill.
Meet 10.30 am in the usual place in the park, the gate nearest the corner of Primrose Hill and Regents Park Roads.
Future walks
- Wed 16 June – Single Blue Plaque Walk – we walk down to the plaque at York Gate in Regents Park to hear about Francis Turner Palgrave from a descendant of his.
- Wed 30 June – ‘Invertebrates in Regents Park ‘ with May Webber of ‘Mission Invertebrate’.
Last Updated on 7th June 2021 by Mick Hudspeth