Wednesday 14th July – at 10.30am there is a walk in Primrose Hill. During lockdown it will be walking in pairs only which guidelines allows.
Meet at the park gates at junction of Regent’s Park Road and Primrose Hill Road.
– 23 July Fri 9.30 to 11.00am Moth Identification
Barberry Carpet · Barred Hook-tip · Barred Tooth-striped · Beautiful Yellow Underwing · Bedstraw Hawk-moth · Belted Beauty · Bird-cherry Ermine
All these are names of moths!
The Mission Invertebrate team will set moth traps during the preceding night and we shall help them identify the many species of moths in Regents Park.
Number limited to 12 so please book here.
Meeting place tbc, probably by the park offices in the Inner Circle.
August no walks
September – we shall start again, but probably on a Tuesday morning as Open House is running again now on a Wednesday afternoon.
Walks to include ‘Non Blue plaque famous residents of Primrose Hill’’ Hidden places of Primrose Hill’ ‘Lichen Identification’ ‘Camden Town Painters’
other ideas please suggest them!
Last Updated on 30th June 2021 by Mick Hudspeth