There is currently a Camden Town Low Emission Neighbourhood engagement process that is taking place. To have your say please go to the link below. Low Emission Neighbourhood Engagement Consultation
Read moreCamden Goods Yard: Demolition of Morrisons Petrol Station
We are sharing a communication from Nick Hazzard: Senior Construction Manager, St George. You can open his letter on the link below Camden Goods Yard: Demolition of Morrisons Petrol Station [pdf] You can view all
Read moreDate change for ‘Gloucester Avenue’ talk
Martin Sheppard’s talk is moving to Tuesday 25 February at 7 pm for 7.30pm. Martin will give us a full account of the history of Gloucester Avenue: what was there before it was built; who
Read moreRefurbishment
In February/March this year we are going to start sprucing up the community centre, concentrating on the mezzanine area initially: putting in a new hardwood floor, followed by a new kitchen (very generously donated by
Read moreBurns Supper Photos
A few photos from our Burns Night Supper from 25 January 2020. Photos by Petar Savic and Jason Pittock
Read moreUnwanted Gifts = Much Needed Donations

As we settle into 2020, all the festive decorations have been put away and Christmas seems like a distant memory, there are always a few left over bits and bobs to remind us that we
Read moreNew Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We’ve got some ideas for New Year’s resolutions to help your local community in 2020…. 1) Anyone who is decluttering or has unwanted Christmas gifts could donate to the Primrose Hill spring
Read moreFireworks New Years Eve
The Royal Parks and the Metropolitan Police remind people not to bring fireworks or paper lanterns to Primrose Hill over the festive period. For the comfort and safety of visitors and residents, the park will
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