Every Wednesday from 10 am to 2 pm, volunteers from our Neighbourhood Nosh programme will be serving delicious homemade soup and cake, teas, coffees, jacket potatoes and more.
Come into the warm to have a chat with others and a hot meal.
Pay what you can afford.
Next Openings
The Well Being cafe is scheduled to be open on the following dates…
Date/Time | Event |
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Mezzanine Floor, Primrose Hill Community Cenre, London
Last Updated on 3rd December 2022 by Jason