Open House Volunteer

Aim: To provide technical support to ensure the smooth running of the weekly Wednesday Open House session at the Centre, which aims to provide a friendly and stimulating session for locals. Talks, films and outings are arranged by the Open House organiser.

Helping the OH organiser to set up the room as appropriate
Setting up the projector and screen for any showings
Greeting and chatting to participants
Helping to serve tea and refreshments
Clearing up afterwards

Sessions are Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm, set up and clear up 15 minutes either side depending on the activity. Not all session involve a projector, so it could be an occasional input.

Skills/attributes needed:
Ability to set up a projector with a computer link
Ability to get on with a wide range of people

What you would gain:
Getting to know your neighbours
Hearing lots of interesting talks and seeing films

Reporting to:
Open House Organiser Tracey Mitchell

Last Updated on 31st January 2022 by Jason
