Feldenkrais with Ana: Move better in space & time, with your incredible spine

Feldenkrais with Ana: Move better in space & time, with your incredible spine


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Primrose Hill Community Centre
Primrose Hill Community Centre, 29 Hopkinson's Place, London, NW1 8TN

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Move better in space & time, with your incredible SPINE

Sat 28 October 10am-12pm
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement

Monthly 2-hour themed session

Join the session and experience a sophisticated combination of movement and attention to improve your posture and balance, sit and move with more comfort and ease, free your breathing, and feel better.

Each month we focus on a different theme keeping us engaged in building a clearer image of ourselves, by paying attention to our sensations as we move. Broadly beneficial and appropriate for people of all ages, interests and abilities.

Whichever theme or area we are exploring, we are always addressing a person as a whole. Allow yourself to be surprised by the effects a session can have on your particular situation, even if you think that certain themes are not relevant for you.

Booking via Eventbrite or contact Ana directly, www.feldenkraiswithana.com.

Everyone welcome. Join & Enjoy!

Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/move-better-in-space-time-with-your-incredible-spine-tickets-729825456587?aff=oddtdtcreator

Last Updated on 23rd October 2023 by Dominique